
Let's talk consent

Getting consent means getting permission from another person to do something.

Consent applies in a wide variety of situations like hugging someone, borrowing something from someone, or having sex with someone.

Consent is pretty simple as long as you always prioritize these things:

"Yes" means yes.

Consent is only given if you hear a clear and enthusiastic "yes". An absence of "no" is not consent. If someone doesn’t say anything, that is not consent. There needs to be a clear "yes".

Consent is free of persuasion and fear.

Someone should be freely agreeing to do whatever it is you’ve asked. Intimidation (scaring people into doing something) and coercion (strongly persuading/forcing someone to do something) cannot be used to make someone feel like they have to say yes. That is not consent.

Consent is ongoing.

This means that you have to ask for consent at every step of the way during sexual activities. Be specific in what is being asked so that the person knows exactly what they are agreeing to.

Consent can be revoked at any time.

A person is free to change their mind and say no at any point during sexual activities. This also means it can’t be assumed that someone consents to something just because they said yes to it in the past. It also means that people can change their mind in the middle of things.

Consent can’t be given if a person is intoxicated.

Consent for sexual activity can only be given when a person is sober. That means no influence of drugs or alcohol.

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