
Know your STIs

What is it?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is not really an STI but it can cause symptoms that seem like one! Everyone with a vagina has good bacteria that live in their vagina and help maintain its health [link to vaginal hygiene]. BV is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vagina overtaking the good bacteria . A lot is unknown about what leads to BV, but current scientific understanding suggests that sexual activity can increase the likelihood of developing it. Sharing sex toys (such as vibrators) can also contribute to chances of developing BV. Common symptoms of BV include a fishy odor, pain, itching or burning in the vagina, and thin white or gray vaginal discharge.

How does someone get it?

What causes BV is still relatively unknown. Some factors that are known to increase chances of getting BV are having sex with a new or multiple sex partners and vaginal douching.

How can it be treated?

Antibiotics can be taken to kill off the bad bacteria. Sometimes people can experience BV more than once, and healthcare providers can suggest ways to prevent this. Using condoms during PnV, and antibiotics taken over a longer period of time can also help to manage BV that keeps coming back.

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