Explore different options for how you can pay for healthcare services.
Looking for reproductive health services, like STI testing or birth control? Look no further ;)
Looking for reproductive health services, like STI testing or birth control? Look no further ;)
Insurance can be confusing and difficult to engage with! The details of your insurance plan influence how you can access healthcare services and how much you will pay. However, the terms used in insurance can be really hard to understand, making it difficult to know how to use it.
Below we share some basics about how you can get health insurance and how to use it. If you have an insurance card, take it out and look for the terms below.
If you have questions about your specific health insurance plan, you can always call the number on the back of your card and ask them any questions!
Looking for reproductive health services, like STI testing or birth control? Look no further ;)
We hope to prepare you for all parts of your clinic visit, so you know what to expect before, during and after your appointment.